Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Tonight Im watching the Biggest Loser. I began watching this season way back at the beginning. Over the last several weeks, i have had the opportunity to watch adn become familiar with all fo the contestants. What an amazing journey for these people. We are getting down to the final 4 after tonight. The perserverence these people have shown has been absolutely AMAZING! Weight loss is a huge battle. Addictions period are tremdous battles. Being addicted to food is no different from alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. There is NO DIFFERENCE. Which one of those things do not cause major, multisystem health problems and death? And FOOD does cause multisystem health problems and death....not to mention loss of limbs, peripheral neuropathy, blindness, kidney failure, the need for dialysis, ulcerations and sore that don't heal. Then there  the peripheral vascular disease, the peripheral arterial disease, depression and low self esteem. Stroke, heart attack and deep vein thrombosis also go right along with obesity and the major disease associated with being overweight....Diabetes. Does that sound like an exaggeration? Im afraid that there is absolutely no exaggeration in my comments regarding obesity. Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs can all lead the same end and then some....
Alcohol abuse can lead to altered personal relationships, depression, loss of testosterone in men, liver disease, kidney failure, diabetes and a whole host of other health problems, financial problems and life problems.
Smoking and tobacco use can lead to cancer (oral, throat, lung and stomach...plus its linked to many other forms of cancer), emphysema and chronic bronchitis (also called COPD), financial issues and premature aging. Smoking does not only effect the smoker but also effects the people around them. Children are most often effected by second hand smoke. Smoking causes middle ear infections, asthma and low birth weights in babies. It must also be metioned that smoking stinks, stains teeth and fingers. There is nothing cuter than having yellow stained fingers from burning a few too many cigarettes huh?
Drugs...wow...what destruction doesn't it cause? Every aspect of a person's life is effected by drug use and abuse. Brain cells die. Lung, heart, kidney and liver damage is expected. Depression and anxiety are common. Sensitivity issues are common. Constipation, skin sores, rotten teeth and poor hygiene are trade marks of drug abuse. Broken homes, broken families and broken hearts are all too often associated with drug use and abuse.
So what in the world spurred me into a rant about abuse? Im so proud of all of the contestant of the Biggest Loser. The weight is not even the real issue that all of these people are having to deal with. The real issue begins with the heart. Perhaps all the addictions that people suffer with begin with the heart. Saddness, anger, abuse, neglect, no self esteem all contribute to people relying on substances to make them feel better. Unfortuantely its all a real trap.
What to do about it all? Find self love. Try, try and try again. Fail and try again. Stop being selfish. Open up to someone you can trust. Join a support group. Seek God and rely on HIM for all things. Trust God. Break old habits and get rid of people in your life that don't necessarily care about what's in YOUR best interest or best for your well being.
And PLEASE stop saying STUPID things like,"We all have to die from something." Because the truth is that I have seen many people, friends and loved ones die from many of these illnesses that came about from their own addictions....and their deaths were long, drawn out and very painful. Suffocation, cancer invading organs, bone pain, loss of being able to urinate and to have to have dialysis, blindness, loss of dignity (from having to rely on others to clean you up like a baby), impotence, loss of jaw bones and all the tissues associated with that (food falling out of that hole in the face...seen it), loss of limbs and organs, brain damage, more PAIN, saddness and depression AND loss of family and everything else.......just isn't the way I WANT to go out of this world because of some bad habit or addiction that I had.
Ok...Im done. I mentioned all of this out of love and hope for a better, happier life for all.

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