Day one status post cardiac ablation.....
Let me just say that a Zofran hangover is nooooo fun. I dont think I even like ME when Im hungover. But I have have to say that my procedure went quite well!
On Friday, I was told to be at the hospital at 8AM. I had no idea when they would take me back to the Cath lab. When I arrived I was quickly ordered to disrobe and step into something more comfortable (and fashionable I might add...) like a hospital gown and double sided grippy socks. Let me say that the socks must have been a "one size fits all" accessory piece...they didnt fit all..I guess thats why they have two sides of grippies so if they get twisted around your feet, you still wont be able to slip! GENIUS! I wonder what law suit brought about an idea like that?
At any rate, my nurses were very nice. I had two that assisted me in the private room that I was in. They started a 20g and a 22g IV in each forearm. I requested the forearm sticks. I only had to be stuck once in each arm. The first nurse that was going to start the IV wasnt really comfortable with the stick so she gave it to her partner that said I was the second patient to request the forearm that day. I really detest the hand, wrist or the AC. Nurse #2 did a great job starting my IVs. Both of my nurses were super nice and friendly. They made waiting for the procedure really comfortable. They also brought me toasty warm blankets to keep me cozy.
Mom, Dad and Pete came in and waited with me. Also, Morris, a pastor from a local church came to pray with me. Morris is an old family friend. He has known me since I was a child. He is the son of the people my Dad works for in the auto body business. Morris was so nice and said a beautiful prayer. His presence was greatly appreciated. My parents were so on edge about this whole thing. They really were nervous about someone monkeying with their daughters heart. I guess I can see that.... I would be too with my girls! :)
At about 10AM, Monty, RN came in to tell me that they were preparing the room for me to come back. Dr. Woodard came in to explain what would happen. I think he helped to put my parents at ease. They did comment that he was really young. I dont think that age is necessarily a marker for skill or ability. At any rate, I was ready to go GET ER DONE!!
I kissed Pete bye. My parents told me that they loved me. And off I went!!
I was taken into one of the cath labs by Monty and Greg. Both were RNs. Once back in the back, I met a very militaristic, sort of intimidating looking fellow named Joe. This was JOE THE RN. I don't think he knew Joe the Plumber. All three fellows were so nice! After the fog of medications I received yesterday, I'm not sure that I remember all details exactly but I know that at least two of the guys were married to nurses that ALSO worked in the Cath lab. I thought that was really pretty cool! Everyone knew Dr. M that I worked with.
While prepping me, we all chatted. One person made a comment in nurse humor...I laughed. One of the nurses questioned why that nurse made such a comment to me in nurse humor...he said back, "SHE IS ONE OF US..!" How cool is that? I'm one of them. They are one of me. Its like a fraternity. They were really cool too. So this is what I spent 40k on in becoming a nurse! WOW!!! perks...
So, after a quick shave, lots of prepping, cleaning, placing monitors, wiring and taping, they began the drugs.....
The only thing I remember during the procedure is that at one time, my heart felt like it was beating throughout my ENTIRE body. It was pounding! The rest...was history.
So I awoke in a new room. My family was there. I only vaguely remember throwing up. Pete tells me that I told them that I had a migraine from not eating and then I said I felt sick. Then like I normally do with a migraine...I threw up! They tried to treat my migraine with 3 dice. Pete said that as I began throwing up, Monty and Greg came in the room, began a semi-code maneuver, holding my groin so I wouldn't rupture anything..barking orders to get me some Zofran and trying to get an emesis basin to me in record time. Pete said that he really thought the emesis basin was kind of a little ridiculous thing. Number one, it doesn't hold much, and its hard to hold and not get yak on your fingers. I needed a wash basin.
This sort of episode recurred three times while I was trying to recover. Finally they broke out the BIG guns and gave me Morphine for my migraine. I got 2mg first and later 2 more. I hadn't ever had Morphine. It made me feel LOOPY. But it took care of the pain. I semi dosed on it. I found that I was aware of my bodily breathing. But my brain was semi asleep. I think I scared myself awake when I heard myself breath. Mom commented that I must be hallucinating.
Anyway...the procedure went well according to Dr. Woodard. He said that I had an errant node that had probably been there since I was born. He said that as people with this problem get older, the node tends to act up more. Mine was definitely acting up and getting worse. He said that I have a 96-98% chance of being cured. I dont remember any of this. I dont remember a lot of things.
After we left the hospital we went to the Waffle House. I had to eat! I ate a waffle and drank a sprite. It was a great FIRST meal!!
Today when I woke up, I found that my groin is black and blue. I still have tape residue on my groin, abdomen and leg. My whole body was sore, especially my groin, my chest, my neck and my back. After being in wrist and leg restraints for 2 hours while I had my procedure, I found that I just ached all over. Thank goodness for Tylenol and Advil.
This afternoon, I took aout a 2.5 hour nap. When I awoke, my hangover from all the meds had worn off. I didn't feel dizzy any more. We made homemade pizza's tonight for dinner. I haven't been lifting anything or doing much of anything. Jack the cat has tried to trample on my groin a few times. That hasn't been any fun. Other than that, things have been going just fine. I'm getting around a little slower.
I can tell something has happened. My heart hasn't been firing the way it used to. Its like it wants to but then it stops. Pete said that that is exactly what the doctor said it would do. Its bizarre to say the least. I am really curious to see what anxiety I have if any now. I pray that I don't have any. But if I do...Ill deal with it. Ive dealt with it for 4 years now, Ill still be able to. But if I don't have any....what a day of freedom for me!!
I want to thank everyone for all of the prayers, love and phone calls (and emails!!). I felt really prepared to go into this procedure. I knew God was looking out for me. I never felt nervous about this whole thing. I knew that no matter what happened, I would be taken care of. That's a peace unlike any other.
I am 40 years old. I am a nurse. I am married to Pete. We have two daugthers, Lila and Lyndi. I have a stepson, Grant. We live in a one traffic light town with a convenience store on all but one corner. It's basically a quiet town and we love it that way!! Thanks for stopping in to read about Big City Living.
About Me
- ComerDweller
- I am 40-ish as a friend of mine calls us. 42 to be exact. I have a teenage daughter (eek), an 8 year old daughter and a stepson in his late 20's. I am married to a terribly quiet man that only speaks when he has something to say. Otherwise, no small talk.We live in an itsy bitsy, teeny weenie little town in Georgia. I love small town living. I am a nurse and have been for 10 years now. I love caring for others. Sometimes "others" don't care to be cared for...but I try to love on them anyway.
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