Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall back a little

Tonight our clocks roll back one hour. I think that's a really good thing seeing as I took a really late nap. Yea, I didn't get up until 5:30. I hope I can fall asleep tonight.
I wanted share some of the things that I really enjoy in life. The simple things. .....
I love the fall, cooler weather! I love that we got to go to the Hallelujah festival at our Church last night. It was so nice!
I love sitting down, sipping on a hot cup of tea. I used the honey that David, our neighbor grew at his house. He has named his honey "Abby's Apiary" after his daughter, Lila's friend.
I had some butternut squash soup tonight. Butternuts are a comfort food to me. I rather enjoyed having a bowl of warm soup. Lyndi did too! She ate two bowls worth of it and wanted more. She tipped her bowl up and tried to drink the last little bit out of the bowl. Butternut squash with a little butter and cinnamon is so good too! If you haven't ever tried are missing out!
I love a nice fire at night. We purposely had our hearth built up so we can sit on it. At Pete's parents house, their hearth is like that. I'm glad we decided to go that route. Its so pleasant.
I love snuggling up with my girls in bed on the weekend. In the morning, Lila usually comes plowing into our bed. She is a huge snuggle bug. She will lay there with me for an hour if I wanted to stay there that long. And no, we don't have a TV in our room or any other distraction. She just has always come in to "snuggle up". I would like to think that as she gets older that maybe she might want to snuggle with ole mom...but I wont hold my breath. Ill enjoy it now while I still have time.

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