~I would like someone to please explain to me why it is that when you clean a Cat's box out that that is the immediate signal for the cat to use the box? I clean my cat's box daily and it never fails that as soon as I get to the end of cleaning it, the kitten is right there waiting! Does cleaning the box have a diuretic effect or a laxative effect on them? Hmmmm maybe Im on to something. What about all these poor folks that go to the hospital all stove up from not having used the bathroom in days or even more than a week?? Maybe instead of disimpacting them, we should suggest that they just clean the toilet! Hospital nurses, take note.
~Why must men go through MAN-O-PAUSE? As if one bitchy (sorry for the language) person in the house is not enough? And the thing is that they can be so much worse than the average woman. Its unbelievable. And how does a person judge when these men are going to have an episode? Its not like a woman's cycle where you can count 28 days. No, instead it just comes on full force and can last for days and sometimes weeks. And lets not even dip into the subject of a MIDLIFE CRISIS! HOLY COW!
~Hot Flashes....after shocks of Eve's greatest mistake??? Thanks again EVE! ...I met a woman recently that said that she had never had the first hot flash, ever in her life! She said that when her daughters complain of having them, she tells them that they are all in there head...thanks for the support mom! But what is it that triggers them? And how is it that it can bring on such a soaking sweat that it can wet PJs and bed sheets. I feel for menopausal women that get them so severe that it wakes them. Then they have to get up, change the bed and change clothes. And what if they have RLS on top of hot flashes? The poor legs run in place so they cant fall asleep, then when they get to sleep, a hot flash may wake them up!
~What causes cellulite anyway??? And how is it that skinny stick figures of women can get it on the backs of their thighs too??? And why dont men have it?
~What is the supernatural draw that causes kids to want to create master pieces on the wall? A child gets a pencil, pen, food or something else disgusting in their hands and its going to the walls!!! Whatever it is that draws them is powerful!
Anyway, I noticed on the way home from work today that one gas station has a gallon at $2.38! Its a miracle! Up the road closer to Athens, I noticed it was still in the $2.40s. Hopefully it will keep going down.
I am 40 years old. I am a nurse. I am married to Pete. We have two daugthers, Lila and Lyndi. I have a stepson, Grant. We live in a one traffic light town with a convenience store on all but one corner. It's basically a quiet town and we love it that way!! Thanks for stopping in to read about Big City Living.
About Me
- ComerDweller
- I am 40-ish as a friend of mine calls us. 42 to be exact. I have a teenage daughter (eek), an 8 year old daughter and a stepson in his late 20's. I am married to a terribly quiet man that only speaks when he has something to say. Otherwise, no small talk.We live in an itsy bitsy, teeny weenie little town in Georgia. I love small town living. I am a nurse and have been for 10 years now. I love caring for others. Sometimes "others" don't care to be cared for...but I try to love on them anyway.
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