Saturday, August 23, 2008


There are at least two things in this world that I am grateful for, one of which is my Drama Lama and my Drama Queen!!
Be not confused by this statement. I speaketh of my two dear, sweet, baby girls! Although the picture above is of a lama that is terribly distressed by the spitting match that it has found itself in the middle of, it clearly represents my dear Lyndi. The drama queen, is Lila.
Some might think, "how in the world can you compare your lovely little Lyndi to a Lama!!" If you only knew her, you would know what a champion spitter she is!! She spits all the time! Lyndi always calls to my mind, the scene in Aladdin where one character warns the crowd, "watch out (camels) they spit!" Lamas spit too! Once aggravated, they can and will spit!! Its the same with Lyndi!! She got irritated with Lila today and began showering her in spit! Its a good big sister deterrent. Good thing she isnt like a skunk huh?!
Lila could win an Emmy for best Drama! Holy Cow!! She can bring on the tears and "this is the worstest day ever" in a heart beat!! She can muster tears up in the blink of an eye! And she has perfected the WHINNNNNNNEEEEE!!! I told Pete today that it was some wonder that we had any sanity at all!
Put the Drama Lama and the Drama Queen in the back seat of a small Mazda 3.......its a nightmare of EPIC PROPORTIONS!! If you ever doubt this, feel free to take a ride with me one day.......You'll be begging your doctor for a prescription of Xanax!!

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