Thursday, August 21, 2008

The girls got brains

When Lila was a baby I used to always think she had kind of a Charlie Brown head. I know all babies' heads are larger than their bodies when they are born..but I always thought that Lila had a bit of a punky head...kind of like me! Ive always worn a bit larger hat than the average female I think. But in Lila's case, I think its because of all those brains she's got in her head!! hehe

Today we got a letter advising us that Lila had been accepted into the gifted program. I couldnt be more proud. Lila has always been a smart child to me...not JUST smart mouthed...she excels in that arena as well! BUT she got into the gifted program.

Lila excels in the area of reading and language arts. We have a book of stories that she wrote in Kindergarten that show impressive (creative) art work and very good stories written by Lila. She also seems to have a good grasp of math. I think the area where she is the best is in abstract thinking. She is always coming up with some deep, off the wall thought process that leaves me scratching my head. Tonight she said "Mama, isnt it interesting that Kitten is spelled with a K and yet Cat is spelled with a C." I dont know that I have ever even thought about that. Instead, thoughts of how rubber bands were made used to occupy my mind from time to time. Then I found out the answer...pretty cool actually!

Lila sat down and read a book to me about Red Foxes tonight. She was able to read words like Mammals and Predators. She didnt stumble over the words or sound awkward when she was reading them. I was impressed!

Pete was picking at me saying that since Lila is so smart, "you know what means for Lyndi right?" It seems that when one child is smart the other child is usually kind of "SLOW"? So I asked him, "Since your sister is so smart, does that mean that you were the dumb on in the family??" He said "YEP!" I dont believe that for an instant. Pete not only has smarts, he is very well equipped with common sense. The only thing he wasnt blessed with was a big imagination. Pete can not visualize things, especially artsy or creative things. Dont ask him what color he thinks you should paint a room.

Intelligence is something that is so interesting to me! How is it that some people can be SO intelligent but can not figure out how to address an envelope or write a check? How does that happen? My brother told me one time that I was the smart one in the family. He never did well in school. I think a lot of that was just a lack of motivation. My brother was blessed with a lot of common sense and hands on knowledge. Maybe he didnt like to read a lot when he was a kid. Maybe sitting in class all day was not his thing. However, he does an excellent job at managing the restaurant that he works at and he is an excellent chef! My brother can come up with some of the most delicious meals. I think that takes smarts. Some really, really smart people can even figure out how to open a can!

So is Lyndi doomed to being dumb?? I seriously doubt it. She already has proven to me how smart she is. I dont think that she is just going to live up to the meaning of her name ONLY in life...."The Pretty One." I think she will be the total package just like Lila. Now does that mean that she will be in the gifted program too? I can hope...but if she does not, that will be ok too. She will have her own gifts and talents that she will be blessed with! One of her talents now is making people smile! God doesnt give everyone the same gifts. Not all people will be smart. Not all people can make others laugh and smile. Not all people are loving and compassionate like Lila has been. Im curious too see exactly what talents my girls will have. Whatever they may be, I know that they are going to be the best at what they do, and they both will always make me smile.

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