Monday, September 15, 2008

Lyndi aka "Short Kat"

Who knows where nick names come from. Pete is always coming up with some sort of fancy name for people. I was Bo Peep. He was Peep. Lila has always been Beetle (why I don't know!). And now he calls Lyndi "Short Kat." I think of her more as a Sassy Cat or Ready to scratch your eyes out cat....but that's not what he calls her. Perhaps this name will wear off. I think the tendency to call someone a nickname must have come from being in law enforcement. The fellas always had nicknames for each other. At Pete's old job they used to call him Peter Amos all the time....Why? I don't know that either.
Anyway, next month, Lyndi will turn 2 years old. I don't know where time has gone. I have a hard time recalling what she was like as a baby. I remember a lot of sleepless nights. I remember a lot of spitting up. But I don't remember too much else. I know she has always been such a cute baby. She has always had tons of hair too. Her hair is longer than mine ever was. I didn't have hair until about the age of 4. Yea it was pretty sad. But not Lyndi, she has a flowing blonde, somewhat curly hair. Its so pretty and thick. She has grey and brown eyes. I think the gray comes from Pete's Dad. We all have green/brown eyes. She has a cute little button nose and a fabulous smile....a very devious smile. Someone called her the devil one time. Im not sure how she knew how devilish Lyndi can truly act. She is a mess!
This past weekend, in one day, Lyndi had 3 baths. First bath was from having poo from the waist down...coming from taking her diaper off in bed. Then she got into our tub and spread soap all over her body...which lead to bath #2. Then she got into some paints that Lila had been using...resulting in bath #3!
Because Lyndi is potty training, she flushed about 1 roll of paper. She flushed about 40 gallons of water. She climbed on the potty about 50 times and back off again even after having pee peed in her pants.
Lyndi screamed "MINE!!!!" about 500 times!! She dragged her big wheel down the driveway screaming at the neighbor's cat MINE because she thought the cat wanted her big wheel! And she screamed "I don't want it!" "NO!" "STOP IT LILA!!!" "NO MAMA!!" "I WANT A DRINK!" "I WANT MORE!!" "NO, NO, NO!!" And then she just screamed at the top her of her lungs for minutes at a time! My favorite is when she screams like that in the car! Or the store. Or in a restaurant.
Speaking of restaurants, while we were in one this weekend, she poured chocolate milk down the front of her (truly and accident...from which we recovered nicely due to good planning on my part!). Then she threw her fork down on the ground...about 5 times. Then she spat her food out because she wasn't getting her way. And then she began screaming at the top of her lungs. Then she tried to stand up and get out of the high chair. All the while, this man, who was sitting with his family (2 kids and a wife). Kept looking at me like "CAN YOU DO SOMETHING ALREADY??!" I had tried telling her no. I tried telling her bad choice. I tried to make her sit. I tried to divert her attention. I tried to threaten to spank her. Nothing worked. So finally I had to take her out of the chair. We had a pow wow on the way to the car. The poor waitress asked if i wanted a to go we were FINISHED. But admittedly, I felt like I had to make sure no one was watching me when I applied a smack to Lyndi's bottom. I don't want someone calling DFACS because my wild, not even 2 year old was actin the fool in public!
This is my beautiful, lovely Lyndi. My Lyndi who asks for CHUGS at night (hugs). My Lyndi who, gives me wet, sloppy kisses on the mouth. My Lyndi who rinses my back off in the tub for me with a little plastic cup. Lyndi who puts her precious little hands together and closes her eyes to pray at night...and follows up with a big AMEN! And my little Lyndi who will come put her arm around you, pat you on the shoulder and say "U ok?"
I don't know what I am going to do if this behavior lasts until she is 4 like Lila's did. Lila's didnt start until 2 1/2 and exploded at 3. Lyndi started at 1 1/2.
Did I mention that Lyndi desperately loves to help sweep the floor? She loves to brush teef (teeth). She loves to point out cat yak. She loves to dance and sing! She loves to drive Lila nuts!
Ahhh Lyndi! What am I going to do when she becomes a teenager? As so many people love to tell me...."She is gonna be trouble!" Thank you! Pray for us!

1 comment:

Sadie said...

Thanks for making me chuckle out loud. I appreciate you sharing, I can tell Audrey is going to be the same way. Her favorite word is "no-no". I think that is what she thinks her name is....
Thanks again for sharing.