Sunday, July 13, 2008


Let me just say that yesterday, I was so bored that I started to feel irritable toward Pete for making me stay home and do NOTHING. If you know me, you know that I have an active spirit that wants to get OUT and DO SOMETHING.
Explain this one to me....
We went to church this morning, and when we got home, much to our delight the wind picked up, the trees began to sway like there was a good tune on and the rain began to fall. We sat out on our side porch for the longest time watching the rain. Then we came in and sat in the living room with the blinds open and no lights on. I opened a window so we could have a double delight; the sound of the rain falling on the roof and outside on the ground. It was so relaxing. Pete kicked back in the recliner, Lila snuggled under a blanket on the loveseat and I commanded the couch. Lila couldn't understand what we were "doing". We were doing NOTHING. Lyndi was already in her bed asleep. We followed her example and cat napped in the livngroom! It had to have rained nearly an hour.
While I was laying there on the couch weakly fighting sleep, I told Pete that it reminded me of being at my Great Aunt Hattie's house in the Tennessee mountains. She lived in an old white farm house with a tin roof, located at the foot of a mountain. On the side of the mountain was a water fall that began in a deep, dark cave half way up the side of the mountain and wound its way down through a rocky creek bed. It was heavenly simple. We used to have family reunions at her house.
I remember being in Aunt Hatties house. It always smelled of something cooking. I think that the smell of homemade bisquits and sausage cooking was ingrained in the walls. I remember the smell of her bathroom. It always smelled of Ivory soap. Its clean white richness permeated the air in there. And if you turned on the faucet, the water that came through those metal pipes was cold enough to freeze your hands or hot of enough to burn. That was a home. I remember my Granny and my Aunt talking in the kitchen while they prepared lunch. They laughed about anything and everything.
Those memories were like taking a sleep tonic and I drifted off to sleep. The rain slowed to a drip, drip, drip....
Now why had I been so bored the day before and felt as though I had wasted the day? And today, I got lulled off to sleep and feel blessed for not having anything to do! Poor Pete!

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