Thursday, July 31, 2008


I thought that once I graduated from highschool that I might have been able to move away from the rumor mill. But alas, rumors, talk, speculations and such have snared me! Im shocked and disappointed really. I guess when people do not know you that well, they just like to fill in blanks to give their dull lives something to think about....
When I went into work the other morning I mentioned to our ward clerk (whom I dearly love) that I had had a dream about having had a party at my house. I told her that tons of people were there. I had even seen one of our coworkers there. But when I went to speak to our coworker, he had left. Anyway, I told her, I rarely have good dreams but this particular one wasnt too bad. So when our MALE coworker came in, I was kidding him by saying "where did you go last night??" He looked really puzzled. He said "home." I said, "well I saw you at the party and then when I went to speak to you, I couldnt find you, you had left." He was like "You must have been dreaming." Anyway, the whole thing was silly. I told him that I had had a dream about this huge party. Random college students were there and such. Anyway, later that afternoon he came to me and told me that our conversation was "overheard" by another coworker. She had quasi-confronted him about hanging out at a party with me. See, he is married. I am married. We shouldnt be hanging out. I was a little bit twerked about this. I told him, that if anyone had a question as to my where abouts,they could just ask our ward clerk because I had worked until 8:30 the night of our apparent hook up. After work, I went home to my husband and children (who were asleep in bed). And my coworker informed me that he went home to his wife. Amazing. But Im sure that this story got around our little hospital like wildfire. Evidently things like to get around like this. My coworker informed me that someone had contacted his wife one time to complain about my coworkers apparent "relationship" with this fellows wife. And I cant speak to what happened because I wasnt there. But I DO KNOW where I was and was not. And I know what intentions I have and do not have.
So all I ask is this. If you hear something or THINK you hear something, it might be best to mind your own business. And no matter what, do not spread this information around. I really dont care to have a wife upset over something stupid and innocent. And I dont care to have my husband scratching his head and wondering when I threw a party that I hooked up with my coworker at.

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