Sunday, July 13, 2008


Just so you know, I transferred all of my blogs from Mypace to here. I tried to keep the original date and title on each one. Some of my friends dont have a Myspace page....Yea I know...What kind of weirdo doesnt have one right?? :) Well, for anyone to really appreciate the REAL me, they should read my past blogs. No body function, child drama, childhood trauma or otherwise is too good to NOT to blog about! If you have a weak stomach or humor..please dont read what I write. I am a nurse and nothing is sacred. After the removal of my gallbladder, I posted pictures of my surgical wounds to Myspace. So the faint of heart need not visit my blog spot! God Bless and Happy reading!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

That's so weird that you can't email. I will check into it and see why...Anyway, I was reading through your blog entries and read about the chiropracter...who is it? Just curious if I remember. I didn't know too many people, but it's always fun to play the "do you know" game! Glad to hear from you. As soon as we get the email thing figured out, I would love to see some pictures.